At INFO-PLAN S.A., we strictly follow a code of professional conduct and ethics in every aspect of our business. Our commitment to applying the highest standards of ethics reflects our deep belief in responsibility and integrity in every action we take.

Α. Preamble 

Trust is the pillar of our action. It is the good that we herald and that customers seek. In this context, our company, INFO-PLAN S.A., formulates the following Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.

Β. Principles and Values 

B.1. Trust 

  • We act ethically and transparently. 
  • We respect the values of integrity, independence and impartiality. 
  • We ensure accuracy and completeness in the provision of our services. 

B.2. Reliability

Our statements are consistent with our actions.

B.3. Responsibility

Management, executives and partners, we operate with increased responsibility towards the customer for the trust he has shown us.

B.4. Integrity

We do not forget the moral ground in our action.

B.5. Professionalism 

  • We always act in accordance with the applicable laws. 
  • We do not undertake illegal work. 
  • We treat customers, employees and professional colleagues with courtesy and respect. 
  • We ensure that our personal conduct does not call into question our suitability as Consultants.

B.6. Teamwork 

  • Λειτουργούμε συλλογικά και ατομικά για να ικανοποιούμε αποτελεσματικά τις ανάγκες των πελατών μας.

Β.7. Συνεργασία 

  • In matters that require a multidisciplinary approach, we work with fellow consultants nominated by the client or selected by us. - We welcome collaboration with others in good faith. 
  • We cultivate positive relationships. 
  • We partner with third parties and overcome obstacles to contribute to our customers' success.

B.8. Acceptance and respect for new colleagues 

  • We accept and respect new colleagues who are suitably qualified, allowing them to reach their full potential.

B.9. Respect for the customer 

  • We promote an environment of communication and cooperation, where all customers are treated with dignity and respect. 
  • We maintain constant and adequate communication with the client, keeping him informed about the progress of the project we have undertaken.

B.10. Serving customer interests 

  • We undertake projects that are in the best interest of the client. 
  • We do not create excessive expectations for the customer. 
  • We avoid encouraging the client to make decisions. 
  • We carry out the work according to the principles of science and art.

B.11. Transparency of representation 

  • We are open and honest about our qualifications, skills and experience, and only take on projects that we and our partners can handle. 
  • We agree with the client that our partners adhere to the same code of conduct as we do.

B.12. Recognition and avoidance of conflicts of interest 

Conflict of interest may arise when the interests of potential customers conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of existing customers, our relatives or even with the interests of INFO-PLAN S.A. 

  • We act in the best interests of our clients and avoid situations that may give the impression that our judgment is at stake. 
  • We avoid anything that might call into question our judgment, as well as our products and services. 
  • We disclose to clients any factors that may affect our independence or objectivity, such as good relationships or previous collaborations. 
  • We disclose any conflicts of interest to clients and allow them to decide freely on the assignment. 
  • We remember that many conflicts or potential conflicts can be resolved if they are properly and timely disclosed.

Β.13. Consistency towards venture capital

  • The processing of our clients' cases and their service is carried out without technical interference and without the intervention of anyone. 
  • We respect our clients and honor our fee.

Β.14. Final ground - Final decision 

  • The consulting services of our company do not constitute a direct or indirect solicitation, encouragement or advice to take any action. They are opinions that the client can evaluate, decide and act upon based on their own judgment.

Β.15. Honest and sincere transactions 

  • We are honest in our dealings with our customers. We ensure that the scope of work, deliverables, time and cost of consultancy, technical support and assistance are clear and agreed before we start work. 
  • We compete fairly and honestly with our colleagues. Practices that undermine healthy competition, harm customers, distort markets, seriously damage relationships between colleagues and destroy customer confidence.

Β.16. Non-discriminatory provision of services 

We provide our services to everyone without discrimination. This means that in our professional activity we do not take into account: 

  • Race, colour or nationality 
  • Religion 
  • Sex 
  • Gender identity or gender expression 
  • Sexual orientation 
  • Family status 
  • National origin 
  • Citizenship 
  • Disability 
  • Any other category protected by applicable laws or regulations.

Β.17. Respect for intellectual property 

We respect the intellectual property of others and do not use it in a way that would violate our laws or values.

Β.18. Protection of confidential information 

  • Our customers' information is highly confidential and we are committed to maintaining its confidentiality. 
  • We declare that the information we receive is used exclusively for the purpose of the assigned work. 
  • We maintain and protect the confidentiality and privacy of customer information about their business activities and operations. 
  • We do not take advantage of privileged information gathered in the course of a task, nor do we allow others to do so.

Β.19. Protection of personal data 

The confidentiality of our clients' affairs is of paramount importance. We see all, hear all, and forget all! We do not transfer personal data of clients and their employees. 

We take measures to protect personal data and apply the provisions of the "General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016" and of Law 4624/2019 (Government Gazette 137/tA΄/29-8-2019) "Personal Data Protection Authority, measures implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and transposing into national law Directive (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and transposing into national law Directive (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data".

C. Legal notice 

INFO-PLAN S.A. reserves the right to modify, suspend or revoke this Code, in whole or in part, at any time, with appropriate notice.


Last update: 27/5/2024

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