About Us
Our Story
Establishment of the company
The company starts as a sole proprietorship with the name GEORGIOS A. TSILIOPOULOS and the distinctive title INFOPLAN, focusing on information about European and National Programmes and the promotion of employment.
Establishment and Support of Observatories
The company establishes and supports Funding Sources Observatories and Employment Observatories in municipalities and communities, developing special videotext applications. It is the first private entity in Greece to provide these services.
Upgrading Services and Strategic Partnerships
The company is upgrading the Observatory's services by developing cloud applications on a single platform. It enters into strategic partnerships, initially with OTE S.A. and then with DATA BANK, a member of the INTRACOM S.A. group. The Observatory services are spreading to many municipalities and communities across the country.
Significant Recognition and Conversion into a Public Limited Company
EKEPIS evaluates the KEK THALES, supported by INFOPLAN, as a model Regional K.E.K., even for many National K.E.K. At the same time, the individual enterprise evolves into an Incorporated Company of Consultants for Local Authorities & Enterprises with the distinctive title INFO-PLAN S.A.
Upgrading and Promotion of Services
The company upgrades its applications and services and promotes them nationwide to Municipalities and Businesses.
Utility Model Certificates
Applications are filed with the Industrial Property Organisation (OBI) for patents, with ISBN notes deposited at the National Library of Greece. These applications are replaced by Utility Model Certificates.
Increase in Customer Portfolio
The clientele of INFO-PLAN S.A. is constantly growing, serving 9% of the local government of the country in island and mainland Greece, around 60 municipalities, carrying out technical studies and providing smart applications.
Δίκτυα Επιχειρηματικότητας και Απασχόλησης
Μετά την κατακύρωση του διαγωνισμού στην εταιρεία μας, εκπονείται το «Σχέδιο Δημιουργίας Δικτύων Επιχειρηματικότητας και Απασχόλησης για τον Νομό Ημαθίας».
Maintenance, Evolution and Expansion
The company focuses on force maintenance and the development of its services. At the same time it expands its activities in Quality Management Systems, carrying out more than 30 studies.
Ανάπτυξη πλαισίου ικανοποίησης απαιτήσεων Σ.Δ.Π anti-bullying
Η εταιρεία μελετά και αναπτύσσει πιστοποιήσιμο πλαίσιο ικανοποίησης απαιτήσεων Σ.Δ.Π «Για την πρόληψη και καταπολέμησης του σχολικού εκφοβισμού».
Ταυτόχρονα, σχεδιάζει και αναπτύσσει την Ολοκληρωμένη Ψηφιακή Πλατφόρμα anti- bullying.gr.
Expansion into the premium food market
An investment plan is approved to penetrate the premium food market, starting with honey. The facility will be built in Platanos, Imathia, next to Egnatia Odos, at the height of the OLYMPUS PLAZA.
Launch of agrojob
The company launches the innovative agrojob application, aimed at insuring agricultural production and ensuring the continuous employment of agricultural workers.
Dynamic Growth and New Partnerships
The company is growing dynamically, as evidenced by its collaborations with DAEM S.A. of the Municipality of Athens, the Synchronous Schools in Athens, the Aristotle College of Thessaloniki, etc.
Promoting Innovative Applications
The company promotes the smart application "Safe Athens" for the protection of citizens from attacks within the Municipality of Athens and the application "City Guardian" for all municipalities of the country, for the protection of citizens and the response to emergency situations.
As INFO-PLAN S.A. we are characterized by our commitment to confirm and strengthen the trust of our customers by providing reliable and quality services. Our goal is to increase productivity, improve quality and enhance the efficiency of Municipalities and Businesses through innovative solutions. Trust, reliability and integrity guide our every action and help create a positive social impact with our actions to contribute to a better tomorrow.
Let us work together
We address to
We are addressing local government and businesses. In particular:
- Municipalities
- Regions
- Municipal Enterprises
- Public and Private Bodies
- Chambers of Commerce
- Professional Bodies
- Social Bodies
- Schools, Educational institutions
- Sports bodies
- Recreational facilities for minors
- Training bodies
- Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
- Large, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Industrial and craft enterprises
- Cooperative Companies - Organizations
- Freelancers
- Agricultural Enterprises

The Certifying Body
Certifies that
ANT. MIGGA 18 - 59200 NAOUSA
Has developed and implements a Quality Management System
which meets the requirements of:
EN ISO 9001:2015
(Quality Management System)
with scope
Providing consultancy services in the areas of:
- Administration, Economics and Informatics
- Quality Management Systems
- Employment and Entrepreneurship
- Communication, Information and Advertising
- Integrated Systems to Prevent, Manage and Combat Harassment, Bullying and Violence in Schools and Workplaces