Our specialised team undertakes the preparation and preparation of mapping studies of local labour markets, revealing their dynamics and prospects. Through a detailed analysis of multiple parameters, we examine current trends in each occupation, future employment prospects, and emerging challenges and opportunities. We work with local governments, educational institutions and businesses to provide a comprehensive picture of the labour market.
Our goal is to provide reliable data and recommendations that enhance the vocational guidance of students, the reorientation of workers and unemployed, and the development of local economies. With our in-depth studies, we contribute to the development of strategies to improve employment and enhance the competitiveness of local markets.
Through the provision of specialised tools and information, we empower individuals and organisations to better understand career opportunities and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the local labour market. Our goal is to create a sustainable economic environment that promotes stable growth and job creation.
In the context of supporting employment and entrepreneurship structures, we implement the registered event COOPERATION and Career Day. The event is divided into the following sections:
Workshops activities and talks on employment trends in the labour market, unemployment, skills demanded by employers, occupations and specialties of the future, training programmes, personal effectiveness (stress management, skills, assertive behaviour), etc.
One-to-one meetings with career and guidance counsellors and trainer advisers. The visitor has the opportunity to get answers to questions about CV writing, career guidance, diagnosis of educational needs and also to seek a brief counselling session.
Βusiness Presence. Meetings with executives of business representatives where visitors have the opportunity to promote their CV.
Exchange of views-Open discussion. Here the visitor will have the opportunity to participate in open discussions, exchange views and interact with people from the business world, education, training, etc. in order to receive broader information on the issues of interest.
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Get in Touch
Ant. Migga 18, Naousa, Imathia